Есть этот файл в system32
Opening connection...
4 21.11.2018 8:51:14> Attaching to Interbase database placed atС:\Shelter\IBDATA\SHELTER_test.FDB as user ucs...
E2 21.11.2018 8:51:20> Interbase Own Exception #-902: Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
successful execution of subsequent statements.
E2 21.11.2018 8:51:20| Unable to complete network request to host "С".
E2 21.11.2018 8:51:20| Failed to locate host machine.
E2 21.11.2018 8:51:20| The specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name Services.
5 21.11.2018 8:51:20> End of connecting

Вроде запускается...и не получается...